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Pembroke Welsh Corgis
SuperNova File

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Pembroke Welsh Corgis are no longer an active breed within this kennel.

Ch. Genuine Soot and Flames "BENJI"

PKC #: A121269[ pkc page ]
Gender: Male [unavailable for stud]
Generation: First (1st) [no pedigree]
Bred by: Foundation stock

PKC Confomation Points: 11 points
PKC Premier Points: has not competed

Achievements: No achievements

Ch. Genuine Tears of Summer "OPHELIA"

PKC #: A121270[ pkc page ]
Gender: Female [unavailable for dam]
Generation: First (1st) [no pedigree]
Bred by: Foundation stock

PKC Confomation Points: 10 points
PKC Premier Points: has not competed

Achievements: No achievements