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Norwegian Elkhounds
SuperNova File

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Genuine Beneath the Snow "CHINOOK"

PKC #: A129049 [ pkc page ]
Gender: Male
Generation: First (1st) [ no pedigree ]
Bred by: foundation stock

PKC Confomation Points: 0 points
PKC Premier Points: has not competed

No current achievements.

PKC Conformation Shows:
Currently Unavailable

Genuine Frozen Ascent "EVRETT"

PKC #: A129047 [ pkc page ]
Gender: Male
Generation: Second (2nd) [ pedigree ]
Bred by: Ela@GenuineK
Sire: Ch. Genuine Frozen Home "QUINCY"
Dam: Ch. Genuine Crystals of Autumn "JOSSILYNN"

PKC Confomation Points: 0 points
PKC Premier Points: has not competed

No current achievements.

PKC Conformation Shows:
Currently Unavailable

LWH's Magnetite Core "IRON"

PKC #: A131381 [ pkc page ]
Gender: Male
Generation: First (1st) [ no pedigree ]
Hexed by: Jana

PKC Confomation Points: 0 points
PKC Premier Points: has not competed

No current achievements.

PKC Conformation Shows:
Currently Unavailable

Genuine Achromatic Sunsets "NANOOK"

PKC #: A129048 [ pkc page ]
Gender: Female [unavailable for dam]
Generation: First (1st) [ no pedigree ]
Bred by: foundation stock

PKC Confomation Points: 0 points
PKC Premier Points: has not competed

No current achievements.

PKC Conformation Shows:
Currently Unavailable

Ch. Genuine Diamond Breeze "ABIGALE"

PKC #: A121323 [ pkc page ]
Gender: Female [unavailable for dam]
Generation: First (1st) [ no pedigree ]
Bred by: foundation stock

PKC Confomation Points: 10 points
PKC Premier Points: has not competed

Achievements: No achievements

PKC Conformation Shows:
Shameless' No More College Show #37 - May 6 2011 - BOS
Fango #25 - May 8 2011 - BOS
Bramblewood Almost Summer #17 - June 1 2011 - BOS
Heartlight #8 - June 15 2011 - BOB
DeeOhGee Joyful June - June 20 2011 - BOS

W2 Ch. Genuine Icy Thunder "AVALANCHE"

PKC #: A123879 [ pkc page ]
Gender: Female [unavailable for dam]
Generation: Second Generation [ pedigree ]
Bred by: Ela@GenuineK
Sire: Ch. Genuine Winter Drifts "DEECE"
Dam: Ch. Genuine Diamond Breeze "ABIGALE"

PKC Confomation Points: 11 points
PKC Premier Points: has not competed

"Group 1" and "Winner 2" in UMZ October Frightmare on Oct. 21, 2011
"Group 3" in Fleabitten #2 on Oct. 30, 2011.
"Group 4" in Heartlight #11 on Oct. 30, 2011.

PKC Conformation Shows:
Arkillian #7 - July 11 2011 - BOS
Filigree #8 - September 25 2011 - BOS
UMZ October Frightmare - October 21 2011 - G1
UMZ October Frightmare - October 21 2011 - BOB
UMZ October Frightmare - October 21 2011 - W2
Heartlight Dogz Only #11 - October 30 2011 - G4
Heartlight Dogz Only #11 - October 30 2011 - HM
Fleabitten #2 - October 30 2011 - G3
Fleabitten #2 - October 30 2011 - BOB

G3 Ch. Genuine Winter Drifts GPC "DEECE"

PKC #: A121324 [ pkc page ]
Gender: Male [unavailable for stud]
Generation: First (1st) [ no pedigree ]
Bred by: foundation stock

PKC Confomation Points: 13 points
PKC Premier Points: has not competed

Good Petz Citizen completed (May 11th, 2011)
Group3 Placement in Fango #25 (May 8th, 2011)

PKC Conformation Shows:
Heartlight #6 - February 25 2011 - HM
Wicked #9 - February 27 2011 - PICK
Fango #23 - March 8 2011 - PICK
Bramblewood #16 - March 9 2011 - HM
Bramblewood #16 - March 9 2011 - G3
Lua Azul #15 - March 10 2011 - PICK
Supernova #85 - March 11 2011 - HM
Vulpes Spring Break Spree - March 11 2011 - HM
Just_Dog - March 14 2011 - PICK
Filigree Express #5 - March 16 2011 - HM
Cloonlara St. Patty's Day #18 - March 17 2011 - HM
Marvellous #5 - March 20 2011 - W1
Marvellous #5 - March 20 2011 - G1
Marvellous #5 - March 20 2011 - HM
DeeOhGee March Mayhem #15 - March 20 2011 - PICK
UMZ - April 10 2011 - PICK
LightningStrike #16 - May 19 2011 - BOB

Ch. Genuine Crystals of Autumn "JOSSILYNN"

PKC #: AA126447 [ pkc page ]
Gender: Female [unavailable for dam]
Generation: First (1st) [ no pedigree ]
Bred by: foundation stock

PKC Confomation Points: 12 points
PKC Premier Points: has not competed

No achievements

PKC Conformation Shows:
Riot Minor Conformation #13 - September 25 2011 - BOB
Fleabitten #1 - September 30 2011 - BOB
Filigree #9 - October 10 2011 - BOB
Fango #30 - October 15 2011 - BOB
Outrageous October - October 20 2011 - BOB
Arkillian #8 - October 23 2011 - BOB

G1 G3 W1 Ch. Left Behind Winter Nights GPC "KEIL"

PKC #: A119039 [ pkc page ]
Gender: Male [unavailable for stud]
Generation: Third (3rd) [ pedigree ]
Bred by: BlimeyCat [ pkc account ]
Sire: Ch. Left Behind's Just Wingin' Over Things "ESPEN"
Dam: Ch. Gen's Been There Before at Left Behind "BLAU"

PKC Confomation Points: 11 points
PKC Premier Points: has not competed

"Group 1" and "Winner 1" in Marvellous # 5 on March 20th, 2011
Good Petz Citizen completed (May 11th, 2011)
"Group 3" in Bramblewood #16 (March 9th, 2011)

PKC Conformation Shows:
Shameless' No More College Show #37 - May 6 2011 - BOB
Fango #25 - May 8 2011 - BOB
Fango #25 - May 8 2011 - G3
Cargo #7 - May 11 2011 - HM
Cloonlara #20 - May 18 2011 - BOB
Carpe Diem #34 - May 18 2011 - BOB
Gunhill #13 - May 27 2011 - BOS
Bramblewood Almost Summer #17 - June 1 2011 - BOB

Ch. Genuine Frozen Home "QUINCY"

PKC #: A126448 [ pkc page ]
Gender: Male [unavailable for stud]
Generation: First (1st) [ no pedigree ]
Bred by: foundation stock

PKC Confomation Points: 10 points
PKC Premier Points: has not competed

No achievements

PKC Conformation Shows:
Supernova #90 - September 23 2011 - BOS
Filigree #8 - September 25 2011 - BOB
Fleabitten #1 - September 30 2011 - BOS
Arkillian #8 - October 23 2011 - BOS
Fleabitten #2 - October 30 2011 - BOS