All the Records are listed in alphabetical order by breed.
1st Generation hexed American Shorthair
BW W2 2xG1 Ch Timeless Distant Mirror - Owned by Breanna
Ch Filigree's Libert�, �galit�, Fraternit� - Kept Here
G2 Rc Filigree's Magic Carpet Ride - Shadowcat
RW G1 Ch Filigree's Guitar Hero - UMZ
Ch Filigree's Closer To The Edge - Subra
G2 Rc Filigree's The Great Unknown - Allierain
Filigree's Rough Seas - Kayota
Ch.Columbus Chartreux Tom |
Ch.Captain | Ch.Columbus | |
Ch.Calisto | |||
RW Ch.Chime | Ch.Cubby | ||
RW W2 Ch.Chenille | |||
Ch.Georgette Chartreux Queen |
BIS Ch.Soldier | Ch.Ackley | |
G2 Ch.Able | |||
Ch.Emma | Ch.�loi | ||
W3 Ch.Raise |